New GF mount tilt shift lenses announced.
Fujifilm announced not one, but two new tilt shift lenses due sometime in 2023.
At their recent Fujifilm X Summit, Fujifilm announced 2 new tilt and shift GF lenses for their GFX camera systems (the cameras I shoot with) coming sometime in 2023. The rumour had been around for a while, but this ‘one last thing’ moment was amazing news for architectural and interior photographers, as well as product/macro photographers. You can watch the entire summit from NYC here.
These specialist tilt shift lenses allow us photographers to correct perspective when doing architectural and interior shoots and when it comes to production photography, allows us to get more of the product in focus in one shot (minimising the need to ‘focus stack’).
Personally, I am really interested in the 30mm version (a 24mm equivalent on a full frame camera) than the 110mm product lens, although that too would be something wonderful to use. I currently have to use a Canon tilt and shift lens adapted to my fujifilm cameras, which gives me an approximate 75 megapixel image, rather than the 100 megapixel that my camera is capable of (due to having to crop out some vignetting in post production).
Both lenses have a maximum 5.6 aperture and are going to be super sharp and are long awaited by architectural, interior and product photographers using the Fujifilm GFX system.
If you’d like to understand how a tilt and shift lens works, you can watch this video.
For more on the Fujifilm X Summit and the new lenses, check out Fujirumours here.
Hope you are enjoying your photography and drop me a comment below if you’d like to know more.